A few years ago my first meat manager put together a podcast with a few of us current and former workers of his. We are all managers now. A point which is not lost on any of us. There’s something remarkable about working on a team of meat cutters that all went to manage their own teams. We all really enjoyed working together and we were sad that we didn’t get to see each other as much as we used to. So we started getting together and recording a podcast. It started in the fall of 2016 and we have like 29 episodes on Itunes, Soundcloud and Google Podcast. Worth checking out. HOWEVER I will warn you. We are crass and vulgar people in real life and we make no attempt to hide ourselves in this podcast. You will learn many things about me that you may not want to know. But we are also very funny in my opinion and Cookie is an amazing writer, you could listen for just his skits and advertisements and it would be worth it.
So here is a link to the podcast if you are interested.
Remember, I warned you!